Hi There! 👋🏻 👋🏾
We are Marcus & Marketo (mar-cus and mar-kee-toe) a worship-leading duo and recording artists based in South Bend, Indiana. Our music is a blend of spontaneous, Spirit-led worship and heartfelt songwriting. We travel to share our music at live worship events, lead worship for diverse groups of people, and connect with our audience through our recordings.
Subscribe for updates, explore our music and follow us on socials
so that we can stay connected! -M&M
Upcoming Events
Stop by and worship awhile. We'll be there with bells on.
Thanks for looking us up!
We would love for you to get to know us better! Scroll down for a live video performance and hear more about our story. In the meantime, drop your email so we can stay connected and check us out on socials. If you would like to book us for an event or host us on our upcoming house to house tour, we would love to hear from you!

Want to see more?
Check out our winning performance at Oaklawn's Got Talent 👉🏻 👉🏾
Play that again!
Listen to our studio (ahem living room) recording of Spring Up O Well 👈🏾 👈🏻
Booking Inquiries
We would love to hear from you to discuss your event. We specialize in worship events such as retreats, conferences, festivals, and worship nights. We are also planning an upcoming house tour. If you would like to host us, we would love to hear from you.